There’s nothing that I love more than listening to music. I am obsessed with Spotify. I can’t go away from a shopping trip without taking a look in HMV at all the vinyls for my Crosley player (similar here). I’m always blasting music through my headphones when I get up or going to sleep, walking, cleaning or travelling. I would also enjoy it through bluetooth speakers like the Panasonic Waterproof Bluetooth Speaker so I can take full advantage of my favourite tunes whilst in the shower.
Don’t get me wrong though, as much as I love Spotify. I do still buys CDs from the Apple Store or from HMV but Spotify makes listening to music just so much easier. At the end of the year, Spotify shared a recap of your music from 2017 so I thought I would do a little review of it.
In 2017, I listened to 30,324 minutes, to 2,305 different songs and 1,122 different artists and explored 21 music genres along the way.
I wasn’t really too surprised when it came to how many minutes I spent listening to Spotify music but I was shocked about the amount of songs I have listening to as well as artists. My top genre was Pop which I wasn’t to surprised by because I listen to a lot of chart music.
My top artists really did come as a bit of a surprise! I love The xx and The Chainsmokers, I actually brought the XX vinyl in HMV the other month which I have started to listen to in the evening. However I did not expect to see Drake and Zayn in my top artists of 2017. Ed Sheeran’s album that was released this year was clearly an addiction so I can see why he was listed but I was certainly confused by Drake.
If you haven’t heard Dirty Laundry by All Time Low then I highly recommend you giving it a listen. It’s such a good, chilled song and completely different to your usual All Time Low songs from back in the day. I’m rather shocked that Drake’s Get It Together was in my top songs list to but the rest came as no surprise. For any of you interested, I thought I would share with you the rest of my top 100 songs in 2017:
Overall, I’ve loved seeing what I have listened too over the last year. I’m going to try and be a bit more diverse when it comes to my music taste and try a couple of songs from other genres. I really hope Spotify does a similar kind of thing at the end of 2018.
What’s your favourite song from last year? Any musicians/artists that I should have a listen too?
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Wow this is amazing, I’ll have to check my Spotify stats! x
Love your taste in music! Mine is so sporadic and random! I’d love to know what mine looks like!!
I didnt know spotify did this! ive been really in to soundtracks lately
Oh we have similar tastes in music, I have to say I love Spotify.
Oh I love the roundup! You have some really great picks here!
This is amazing, I didn’t know you could keep track of it like this! x
I LOVE this feature on Spotify! Although most of my top tracks were the same as the previous year as I listened to my 2016 playlist a lot in 2017 haha! I’m all over Paramore and Alessia Cara at the moment! x
Gotta love a bit of Drake! Katy Perry was my fave pop artist last year xx