Hands up if you’re addicted to your Netflix account! *slowly raises hand*

I’m so bad when it comes to binge-watching Netflix series. I can’t just watch one episode. I have to schedule time out of my week to watch a whole season or at least a couple of episodes. If there is one thing that Netflix is good at then it is a good old series to get yourself stuck into and after re-watching all seven seasons of Pretty Little Liars over the past 5 weeks, I’m excited to share with you some other shows things I highly recommend to you.

The Good Place

If I was to use one phrase to describe The Good Place it would probably be weird but addictive. Eleanor, the main character, dies and finds out she has made it to The Good Place. She ends up getting into a lot of awkward and funny situations in her effort to become a good person to stay in the good place. I was hooked after the first episode. It’s a weekly series but I binge-watched the first two seasons and I am just waiting for the next episode to be released. It has so many brilliant actors and actresses and I am pretty sure you will love it just as much as I do!

Stranger Things

If you have not heard of Stranger Things then you have probably been living under a rock and I feel quite sorry for you. It’s a dark science-fiction series with fantastic acting and thrilling scenes. Again, it’s another show that I have binged-watched over the course of the weekend when it was released because it was just so good! If you haven’t watched it already then I’m begging you to add it to your watchlist.

13 Reasons Why 

Out of all the series that I have recommended, this one is the one that hits home the most. It’s about a teenage girl who has left behind a range of tapes after committing suicide for Clay to play back. I was repeatedly crying through many of the episodes. It’s been nearly ten years since my best friend committed suicide and watching this gave me an insight into how she must have felt at the time. I think a lot of the topics that is covered within the series is something that all young people go through and by young people, I don’t just mean teenagers. I am talking about those who are in their early twenties too. It’s a lot more serious compared to the others and I think if you are feeling mentally low, it’s probably not a good time to watch it.

I would love to know if you have watched any of these. Let me know what I should be watching next!

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