My name is Yasmina and this is my little online space.
Currently occupied by all manner of creativity and vast-oversharing, this blog is a digital look into the world of a dyslexic, Northern, chocolate-loving creative – me. I’ve been blogging since 2014 and shamelessly self-indulging in posts about the things I love as well as tackling more serious topics such as depression, anxiety and my personal experience of coming out.
The online world can often be a lonely one, so here is a space for you to read, relate and make a friend. I’m all about open communication and making people feel safe and heard so please get in touch if you’re experiencing any of the issues I discuss on this site – I’m all ears.
But for now, grab a cuppa, get cosy and have a browse.
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My "day job" is YJM Creative. This is where I offer social media management and digital content creation including photography and editorial print design. It's also home to my portfolio which I like to share with prospective employers. If you would like to find out more about how I can help you or your business or perhaps you just fancy a browse at a couple of things I've been creating, head on over to YJM Creative.